Monday, December 20, 2010

Update on Ethan

The kids are on Christmas break for 15 days, but I had to take Ethan into his school today for a speech therapy evaluation. I was worried that he wouldn't understand that he wasn't going to do his regular school routine and that it would be difficult for him. But he went right in with his speech therapist and did all four parts of the evaluation seamlessly. He sat the whole time without getting up, answering the questions and participating in the activities. It was just 7 short weeks ago that I took him for his initial evaluation for school, and that was a giant challenge for everyone. Ethan wouldn't participate, he wouldn't sit still, and he threw a huge fit. What a difference 7 weeks of preschool has made! Believe it or not, the evaluation is not the point of this blog, though I was really proud of Ethan for doing so well with it this morning.

The real point of today's blog is that I got to talk with Ethan's teachers one-on-one (well, two-on-one, I suppose) the whole time he was having his evaluation in the other room. I was so happy to get to ask them all the questions I had been saving up. You know, the ones I always forget to ask when I'm dropping him off and picking him up since my focus is just getting him where he needs to be. Anyway, Mrs. Linda and Mrs. Colleen told me how well Ethan has been doing in school. He walks in the door in the morning, takes his coat off and hangs it in his cubby by himself, finds his name tag on the roll list and moves it to the "present" list, washes his hands, and sits down to eat breakfast with the other kids. He eats his breakfast, drinks his water bottle, and cleans up when he's done. He moves through all the different activities and games on his own and puts them away when the buzzer goes off. He happily participates in speech therapy. He uses the potty and washes his hands afterwards all day on his own (and he's one of the only ones out of the ten students in his class that is potty-trained). is the big one...Ethan has a friend. Mrs. Colleen told me that he and a little boy named Austin are good buddies and play together all day. I had noticed one day when I picked him up last week that Ethan was sitting at a table with another little boy playing the peg game and taking turns (wow!!!). I found out they play on the computer together a lot, too, and that Ethan has been typing words and numbers. I am SO HAPPY Ethan has made a friend at school. I can't even tell you how good it makes me feel to know he has another little boy to play with and that enjoys playing with him. What a blessing this school has been for Ethan already.

I guess Ethan has just started using the computer at school, instead of just watching other kids use it. He likes using the word pad and typing the words he knows. Travis and I had noticed that he had been typing on his Nintendo DS a lot lately. Yesterday he typed, "102030405060708090100," and came up to me and told me, "Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred!" I had no idea he could count by tens, and his teachers told me he hadn't learned it at school. He does like sequences, so I'm not surprised that he figured it out, but the typing is new! I'm just so proud of my sweet boy. He is doing so well. School has been great for him, and I am so happy he has two great teachers who love him. I never knew I would feel this good about everything in such a short amount of time. Whew.

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