Monday, November 29, 2010

Back in the swing of things.

Today Travis went back to work and the boys went back to school after having last week off. No big deal for Travis, though I'll miss him, and no big deal for Elijah, who jumped out of bed and shouted, "It's computer day!" (On Mondays Elijah's Kindergarten class gets to spend a half hour in the computer lab, which is his favorite activity of the week.) But for Ethan, who just started attending special needs preschool the week before last, it was a big deal.

Ethan had just gotten used to getting up early, being rushed around, and spending the morning in school a couple of weeks ago, and then last week since there was no school he once again got used to NOT going. He's a creature of habit, even more so than most children, so this morning was not fun. He didn't want to get up, he didn't want to get dressed, he did want to go potty since he loves to do that, he didn't want to eat breakfast, he did want to drink his juice (of course), and he didn't want to have his hair or teeth brushed. But then he got in the van with no problems, and he seemed okay when he went into school. I hope he eats his breakfast there.

Since I have to get all three kids around by myself most of the time and Ethan is such a challenge in the mornings, I have to plan everything out the night before. Make sure everyone has nice, clean clothes to wear to school (as in NOT the too small jeans or the shirts that bother Ethan, a pair of matching socks for everybody, underpants, school shoes found, etc.), get Elijah's Kindergarten folder together, get Elijah his lunch money and whatever else he is supposed to bring (today it was a can of white frosting because his class is making gingerbread houses), plan a breakfast both boys will eat, and find clothes for myself since I have to walk Ethan into school. Then I have to get up before everybody to make sure that everything is ready to go in the morning, and (lucky me) I get to spend half and hour trying to wake Ethan up and get him out of bed and fight him into his clothes. I am hoping this gets easier with him. Once he's in the habit of going, maybe it will be?

I was unsure about putting Ethan in preschool as it was, since he's still only three. But he gets speech therapy at school for free (instead of the $200+ sessions from before), and the teachers really seem to be helping him. The first week he went, he learned to pee standing up (haha) and how to pick up after himself and put things where they go on the shelves. Those two things don't sound very big, but for Ethan they are a huge deal! I'm really proud of him, but I worry about him the whole time he's he doing okay? Is he having a good time? Is he having a meltdown? Is he participating in the activities? Is he listening? I am also hoping the worrying lessens over time. I worry about Elijah, too, but not as much. Elijah can tell me if something bothers him or goes wrong, and Ethan's can't. A big part of me just wants to keep them home with me forever! Would that really be so bad?

So it's just me and Madelyn. We're watching Super Why and doing a puzzle (and blogging!). Before I pick up Ethan at 11:30 I want to sew a dress, take a shower, and play with Madelyn some more. I'd better get going!

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